Characteristics of Mount Bolle

Bolle monturas sin bisagras

Hinge without screw.

This innovative design integrates perfectly the connection between the pins and the front of the frame, which improves the flowing transitions and eliminates the mechanisms that can break.
This hinge creates a super structure extremely durable and gives the glasses a light and elegant look both sight and touch.

Bolle monturas con aireacion


Helps prevent you from collecting wet precision technology for the control of flows of air mountsd, whatever the weather.

Bolle monturas con nasales ajustables

Nasal adjustable.

The nasal adjustable silicone can be adapted to each person. They are nasal hipoalergenicas comfortable and durable silicone.

Bolle monturas con nasales hhidrofobicos


Comfortable pillows of nose and Rod are hydrophobic and offer a firm glasses holding.
We avoid the concern that the glasses are on your website.

Bolle monturas en nylon de alta calidad


Bolle uses nylon of the most high quality to create light mounts, incredibly durable and exceptionally flexible.
The unique composition of the material allows us to create visually stunning designs of any shape or thickness without compromising durability.